St. Clement Church, Truro.
On Sunday the 29th October, our service included the commemoration of All Souls, in which loved ones who have passed on are remembered. The church was crowded and the atmosphere somewhat sombre but Rev Diane preached a very comforting and sincere sermon. During the solemn service the whole congregation took part in lighting a memorial candle at the altar. The flowers were beautiful, and there were special floral tributes in the Flowers for Memories area.
A special welcome was given to the visitors from St John’s Church, and the congregation enjoyed the refreshments after the service especially when the monthly Raffle 100 Club was drawn!
Folk present were reminded that there is still the opportunity to take part in this fundraising event.
The coffee morning on the first Thursday of the month was again very successful, and as well as the delicious fare we now benefit from a lovely warm church building due to our new heating system.
Please note that on Sunday Nov.12th, St Clement will hold a Remembrance Service at which Rev Diane will lead the congregation in a tribute to all of those who have lost their lives in war and to whom we such a debt of gratitude.
A Trumpeter will attend the service to play the poignant Last Post and will you please note that this service will begin at 10.30 rather than the usual 10.15am.
There will be a warm welcome to all who attend this annual tribute to our fallen heroes, and it is hoped that you will be able to join us for refreshments and fellowship after the service.