St Clements Church Truro.
The Coffee morning on the first Thursday of July proved as popular as ever but this occasion was enhanced by the sound of the Church bells. A team of bell-ringers led by Phil Tremain from St Columb Major, had asked our Tower Secretary, Terry White, about the possibility of ringing the bells of our Church for an hour in order to attempt a quarter peal. We were delighted to welcome these visitors who came from Callington, Gwennap, Tintagel and Camelford, and we all thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated their skills in campanology.
The 9th of July was “Sea Sunday” and our own vicar, Rev. Diane, who comes from a seafaring family herself, gave a spirited verbal illustration of the work of the “Mission for Seafarers” in her sermon. Leaflets on the Missions work and collection envelopes were distributed to the congregation before the service, and a donation will be sent from our church community for the essential work of this charity.
Ken, who is our Health & Safety Officer, with the agreement of the PCC and aided by Nigel and Terry, has fitted a bead curtain across the doorway into the porch. This is to prevent swallows and house martins from nesting in the porch and getting trapped in the porch or church when the doors are shut and locked.
Robert and Linda have researched the burial ground of Bell Close and their hard work has resulted in a beautifully framed picture of a plan of the graves together with a separate index book giving further details. This picture will be displayed inside the church and will be of enormous benefit to the many visitors who come to research their family roots. There are future plans to provide a similar project involving the ancient churchyard itself and we are extremely grateful to both Linda and Robert for their dedicated addition to the historical records of the church.
The PCC meeting on the 10th July discussed some exciting new future projects involving the wider community and it was felt that the recent hard work and fundraising efforts are now reaching fruition especially now that the congregation is growing in number and fellowship.