St Clement Church, Truro.
The coffee morning on the 7th September saw visitors from Australia and Padstow chatting together, and a highlight of the happy occasion was when Dinah, a local resident, arrived with a large freshly cooked cream sponge cake. This generous gift, together with the other delicious home- made fare made by our own cooks, was greatly appreciated by everyone.
At the Eucharist on Sunday 8th September led by Rev. Diane, the congregation congratulated Pat and John who were celebrating their 62 yr, wedding anniversary. The Lay led service which takes place on the third Sunday of each month, was taken by Daphne.
The installing of the new central heating is well underway. But in spite of the general upheaval which has involved the removal of three memorials which had to be safely stored until all the restoration work is complete, the stationary display stands are still maintained. This fundraising exhibition contains beautiful coloured notelets and cards produced by Karen, our resident artist, and Jill, a choir member, who has created very attractive cards of local views complete with envelopes.
Helen, our Churchwarden warmly thanked Rico, a local musician, for providing such lovely music during the absence of our regular organist who is on holiday.
The church would also like to express our appreciation of the voluntary work of both Sue and Roger, who have spent some considerable time over the spring and summer months weeding and tidying up the churchyard.
Also huge thanks are sent to Margaret and Heather who look after the section of the Churchyard where their husband’s ashes are interred Their loving efforts have resulted in a beautiful garden of remembrance.
Finally, please note that the Harvest Festival will be celebrated on Sunday the 15th October at St Clement Church.